Why do I stay sober even though sometimes it feels like my life is not any better?

Someone asked this tonight as they got closer to their one year sober. And this is what I wrote… For just a second, play out the last year, if you had not stopped drinking. Play out where you would be if you hadn’t stopped. Would your life be worse or would it be better? BecauseContinue reading “Why do I stay sober even though sometimes it feels like my life is not any better?”

Messy beginnings

I think the thing no one talks about in getting sober is showing up when and how or kids need. I learned this weekend that being the mom they need is less about what I think should be happening and showing up for how it is happening. I even found myself worrying less about whatContinue reading “Messy beginnings”

I see you doing hard shit

I see you. Getting sober is not easy though there are so many who portray it as such. It is dirty and difficult. Some may have their skin presenting issues with breakouts like you haven’t seen since adolescence. Some of you may not be sleeping for shit and see posts of those who aren’t encounteringContinue reading “I see you doing hard shit”

Stepping into your power

I was just commenting on someone’s post who is on day 2. I said, “Take back your power from Alcohol.” And I had an understanding of why I have resisted the idea that this is a disease and I have to surrender myself and that I am powerless. I have always said, “Fuck that noise!Continue reading “Stepping into your power”

My mama told me…

“My mama old me, “When you’re getting your shit together, it gets lonely. But, choose growth over company.” And I never forgot that. I think this happens for a couple of reasons. First – your energy is changing and you no longer match energies with the people in your life. Your focus is tightly onContinue reading “My mama told me…”

Trust in myself

Last night I had an allergic reaction to the cleaning fumes from my cleaning lady. I used money that was given to me for Christmas to pay for a cleaning lady as a gift to myself. I have been so overwhelmed at school this year that I have not done a deep cleaning since September.Continue reading “Trust in myself”

When is this recovery thing going to get easier?!

Why is this recovery thing so hard? I relate so many things to my journey through pregnancy.  “You’re in the second trimester! Morning sickness should’ve all but gone! “ “Excuse me while I grow closer to my toilet!”  I’m on day 42! FORTY-TWO! I’m supposed to be sleeping by now. It’s funny how my familyContinue reading “When is this recovery thing going to get easier?!”

The first few weeks

Wow – trying to write about my first few weeks is like trying to remember the first month your child was alive. You’re sleep deprived. You have to function everyday. And you’re focus is trying to keep this human alive. The difference is that you are sleep deprived, you have to function everyday, and youContinue reading “The first few weeks”